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Upcoming Strong men at Gysinge Mansion,

Sweden 27/4-27/5 2024

As is 2023 with Strong woman Hillerstroms new exhibition Strong men will be somewhat different than for Strong Women. Theme and power animal are the same. Even men are involved in things that often no one talks about. There is a kind of shame in admitting as a man that you have experienced something that can perhaps be interpreted as weakness - often in the treatment of other men. The demands or standards placed on both women and men are sometimes completely unreasonable. We are all human, need to see each other as such and that we all live together on this planet. Without one or the other, nothing can exist. We need each other, in a good way, where love and care reign in harmony. The men who are in this sequel to Strong Women want to change our way of thinking, talk openly about what they have been through and break the often unreasonable norms that prevail and start talking more openly about those questions and issues. Once and for all! 

The exibition the 27/4 will start with a lecture between 13:00-14:00 and then vernissage at 14:00-18:00 at Gysinge mansion, close to Gavle Sweden. Hillerstrom comes back for live painting atb 26/5 between 12:00-18:00 together with afternoon tea arrangement. Warm welcome!

As first ever in Sweden and now international Hillerstroem herself got the opportunity to show her art in Brussels, Belgium 24-26 November 2023 after a personal invitation from gallerist Mickaella Himmelstroem, The Swedish Art Gallery in Malmö.

In 2024, the trip also goes to New York Art Expo 4-7th April, Monaco Art Expo in 23-25th August and Paris Louvren in 18-20th Oktober.

"I am so incredibly happy to have this opportunity and for the wonderful reception I have received. The message I want to convey through my art can now continue." /Elaine

One of Sweden's and internationally most established art critics Stig Ake Stalnacke, a member of AICA/International Art Critique Association, has assessed Hillerstroem's art and given his opinion.

Read his very nice review HERE!

2024 4-7 April New York, USA

2023 24-26 November Brussels, Belgium